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To encourage and support the preservation, maintenance, and study of Maine's old cemeteries and their records.

Cemetery Records Projects

The Cemetery Records Committee seeks assistance for projects large and small.

Transcribers visit known cemeteries and systematically record all the stones and markers using our latest template.

Field-checkers visit cemeteries that we have found on maps or satellite images, but do not know which of our recorded cemeteries they correspond to, or if they have yet to be recorded. Ideally, field-checkers will check the existing transcript for errors and omissions or transcribe the cemetery if it has not been previously recorded.

Photographers take high quality, overview photos of cemeteries in horizontal (landscape) format to add to the database.

Researchers track properties through deeds and plans available online through the Maine Registers of Deeds Association to determine the identities of cemeteries we have found on maps or satellite images.

Data-checkers review our online PDFs to ensure completeness and make corrections.

If you have the time and inclination for this kind of work, please contact the Cemetery Records Committee. We will find suitable project options for you, and you can help improve an invaluable research database.

Contact us as to format and data collection procedures. Volunteers are urged to submit listings, updates and corrections for this project to:

or by mail to:

MOCA Cemetery Records Committee
PO Box 641
Augusta ME 04332-0641


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