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To encourage and support the preservation, maintenance, and study of Maine's old cemeteries and their records.

Revolutionary War Patriot Burials

The Revolutionary War Patriot Burials [RW Burials] project originated as the Bicentennial Inscription Project [BIP], records of Maine veterans of the Revolutionary War. Over 200 researchers participated in collecting information about the burial locations of Revolutionary veterans in Maine. This data was then computer-indexed, and copies of the printout placed in libraries in different parts of the state. The original notes taken by the researchers sometimes have far more facts than were given in the printout. These notes are on file at the Special Collections Department at the Raymond H. Fogler at the University of Maine, Orono.

The project was originally completed in 1976 for the U.S. Bicentennial celebration, and the patriot data saved in microfiche format. Those microfiche have worn out. MOCA had a paper copy printed from the microfiche. Then Donna and Norm Conley transformed this data to a spreadsheet between the Spring and Fall meetings in 2005.

The entire index was adapted to be accessed and searchable online in 2021. Included are the names of over 7,500 veterans who had lived in Maine before, during, or after the war, with whatever data had been found as to birth, death, marriage, and burial location.

In its new format, MOCA members may now submit additional data to supplement patriot records, including grave photos, biographies, and family details. Look for the Your Help Is Needed: Patriot Updates link at the bottom of each patriot profile page.


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