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Fall 2014 Program

  • 27 Sep 2014
  • St. George Grange #421, 32 Wiley's Corner Rd, St. George, Knox, ME


  • This meeting is open to the public. There is no cost to PRE-REGISTER and it helps us estimate attendance at this event.

    A $3 per person registration fee will be received at the door on the day of the event.

    A Potluck Lunch will also be available for $7 for those registering prior to September 17. See detailed description for info on lunch RSVP.

Registration is closed

8:30-9:00 Registration 

$3.00 per person at the door
$7.00 per person for potluck lunch*
Coffee & Snacks provided by St. George Grange

8:30 until lunch
Exhibits, Displays, Your Cemetery Project
If you are involved with or know of a cemetery project and wish to share the information with others, please bring a display board, photos, or other related material.

9:00–9:10 Welcome & Remarks
Cheryl Willis Patten, MOCA President

9:10–9:30 This is St. George
Brief remarks by Jim Skoglund

9:30–10:15 PRESERVATION WORKSHOP REAPS HUGE REWARDS ... in Stones Repaired, Persons Trained, & the Town's Interest
Visual overview of the May 30-June 2, 2014 St. George workshop.

Donna-Mae Bean, MOCA workshop committee member & owner of a gravestone preservation business, Gravestone Concerns, LLC, in Sidney, ME 

10:15–10:30 Brief break

10:30–11:30 MOCA Annual Business Meeting 
All welcome to attend.

11:30–12:00 St. George: In the Cemeteries
Cheryl Willis Patten 
Brief visual overview of five of the larger cemeteries. Some of the cemetery caretakers will be available for questions.                   

12:00–1:00 Lunch by St. George Grange *$7.00 (pay at the door)

Pot Luck – baked beans, casseroles, salads, and “all the fixings”. If you've ever been to a Grange supper or were at the meal they prepared for the workshop participants, you know you'll enjoy some great food.RESERVATIONS REQUIRED prior to Sept. 17th

If you register online through the MOCA website before September 17, indicate whether or not you would like to have lunch on your registration form. Otherwise, contact Jessica Couture or phone 877-7675 to RSVP for lunch. Lunch reservations cannot be guaranteed after September 17. Late event registrants are encouraged to bring a bag lunch.

1:00 Cemetery Visits
* New & Old North Parish Cemetery-Jim Skoglund & True Hall

The “Old”is where conservator Joe Ferrannini led a conservation workshop May 30-June 2, 2014

* Seaside Cemetery-David Lowell

2:00 Door Prize Drawing (must be present to win)


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